The Last Diet Ebook Info-bulle Découvrez le secret pour perdre du poids - pour de bon


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781509883394
  • 26 décembre 2019
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This is the last diet you'll ever need.

Transform your relationship with food and your body for good with The Last Diet from Behavioural Change Specialist, Shahroo Izadi.

Shahroo Izadi presents the best approach to losing weight, without telling you what or how to eat. Shahroo goes deeper than traditional diet plans, using her professional experience working in addiction treatment and personal experience of struggling with her own weight and body image to help you find the best diet for your body and your life.

She shares how the same evidence-based tools she used effectively with her clients in active addiction helped her to lose eight stone in weight, increase her self-esteem and help her self-manage a range of unwanted habits around food and negative self-talk. Shahroo introduces her revolutionary kindness method and highlights the importance of positive self-perception, showing how to embrace self-kindness and self-respect. Diets often offer quick short-term fixes and so-called miracle cures, but the real challenge is managing weight and changing habits over a sustained period of time. Everybody's journeys and needs are different: it is all about changing the way we communicate with ourselves and our bodies every single day, in every aspect of our lives.

The Last Diet helps you identify where your unhealthy habits come from, and how to accept them, change them and what to do when you slip up through self-tailored exercises to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing. Shahroo guides you through every step, helping you to draw out your own wisdom and find motivation for changing long-term habits and losing weight – for good.

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livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
26 décembre 2019

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Shahroo Izadi
Editeur principal

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